Radio Amateur Technology Society in Finland – RATS / OH2NXX
Radio Amateur Technology Society in Finland (RATS) was established 1987 to advance technical aspects of amateur radio. The main goal of the society is to introduce new innovative technology in amateur radio. The society co-operates with other amateur organisations and is a member of the Finnish Radio Amateur League, SRAL.
Experimenters in new technology often need hard to find components. The society has managed several construction projects with component acquisition support. There is document support service for commercial radio equipment, which can be modified for amateur use.
Meetings and newsletters are part of the activity. RATS has been the responsible organizer for Nordic V/U/SHF meetings when it’s Finland’s turn to organize it. See the listing of all Nordic VUSHF meetings.
The first major undertaking was technical contribution to nation-wide packet radio network. Then came digital signal processing (DSP) and VHF, UHF and SHF beacons and other automatic stations. The major current project is AMSAT-OH construction of the 10 GHz transmitter assembly for P3D amateur satellite. Support for local satellite and microwave constructors is part of the AMSAT-OH project. The society takes part in meteorological balloon carried repeater project, known as Ilmari.
Please note, there is older technical radio amateur society in the USA with the same acronym, Radio Amateur Telecommunications Society, RATS.